What is the Role of the Board of Commissioners?
The Robbins Board of Commissioners consists of five commissioners and one mayor who are elected to serve staggered four-year terms. Each commissioner represents and resides in Robbins. The Board is the general governing body of the Town and has three primary functions: 1) Establishment of overall fiscal policy through its taxing and spending powers; 2) Regulation of private conduct through its ordinance making powers; and 3) General administration.
When and Where do they Meet?
The Board meets on the Second Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Robbins Town Hall. (101 N. Middleton Street) or Robbins Fire Department (301 Branson Circle, Robbins, NC)
Can I speak at a Board Meeting?
The Board has a public comment period at the beginning of each meeting. Individuals may sign up to speak thirty minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting. The Mayor will individually recognize speakers, who will be given three minutes to make comments.