Bids Expired
Qualified firms and suppliers are invited to bid or submit qualifications as applicable for the following construction projects, architectural and engineering work, and purchase requests.
Qualified firms and suppliers are invited to bid or submit qualifications as applicable for the following construction projects, architectural and engineering work, and purchase requests.
Unless otherwise indicated, all inquiries should be directed to Clint Mack, Town Manager, by email or phone 910.948.2431
The Town of Robbins seeks parties interested in a lease, lease/purchase, or purchase option for reuse of the three-story Robbins Historic Police Building (CBD zoning), located at 110 S. Middleton Street in Robbins, within the downtown business district. The town encourages submittals from businesses and individuals with an interest in retaining the character of the NC Works Progress Administration building built circa 1936-1938 building while adaptively reusing it as a viable business or community resource venture.
The Town of Robbins is in northern Moore County, in central North Carolina. The town has a growing population of 1579 residents. Recent residential growth includes military families, retirees, and commuters from Randolph and Chatham County or Southern parts of Moore County. The combination of growth and renovation is a strong catalyst for economic development.
The building is three (3) stories totaling 9,583 sq/ft on .22 acres. It has associated parking and is adjacent to a town parking lot. The property is served by town water and sewer service. Nearby NC HWY 24/27 has an average daily traffic count of 11,000 vehicle trips per day. The building also enjoys NC Hwy 705 frontage which flows through downtown Robbins.
The property was abated of asbestos in 2024 by O.C.A. LLC and a new roof was also installed. An asbestos inspection and air monitoring report has been completed and is readily available. The abatement included an interior demolition to the studs; plumbing and electrical is still emplaced. The gutted building is ready to rebuild while preserving the remaining unique features of the structure.
A tour of the building may be arranged by contacting Robbins Town Hall at 910-948-2431. For additional questions, please contact Clint Mack at
Proposals shall address the following:
1. Contact information.
2. Prior business history, locations of other businesses owned or operated by the applicant, any prior business-related bankruptcy.
3. The intended use of the building.
4. Interest is for lease, lease/purchase or purchase.
5. Projected timeline for renovations and venture opening (approximate date of certificate of occupancy).
6. Sources of funding.
7. An estimated cost of renovations to set up the intended use.
8. The number and type of jobs that will be generated by the proposed use.
9. If the interested party intends to seek grant funding or other incentives to upfit costs.
10. How will the historic character/feel of the building be maintained as part of the use?
11. How the business will be branded in a way unique to the Town of Robbins?
The town highly recommends a preliminary design plan, rendition, model, or visual presentation to be submitted for review.
Proposals shall be submitted by July 1st, 2024 and will be reviewed by the committee with an anticipated decision to move forward with one interested party by September 16th, 2024. Highly qualified applicants and potential ventures will be asked to present their plan at a scheduled public meeting following the deadline. Proposals may be emailed to or mailed to Jessica Coltrane, Town of Robbins, P.O. Box 296, Robbins
The Town of Robbins desires to engage a qualified architectural firm to provide professional services for the design and construction administration for the renovation of the existing 825-square-foot storage facility located in Robbins Greenspace (Moore County, NC parcel number 12455). The renovation will include the addition of ADA compliant bathrooms, and concession area.
This project will consist of the following tasks:
1. The preparation of one or more preliminary conceptual layouts of the facility for approval by representatives of the Town. The conceptual layout will include a site plan, elevation views, and internal layouts of the building.
2. Preparation of construction plans, technical specifications and associated contract documents as required to obtain necessary permits.
3. Preparation, submission, and support of all applications for regulatory permits and authorizations.
4. Assistance to the Town during bidding phase by conducting a pre-bid conference, responding in writing to questions raised during the conference, conducting the bid opening, evaluating the bids, making a written “Recommendation of Award” to the Town, and processing the contract documents.
5. Provision of construction administration services to include but not limited to conducting a pre-construction conference, reviewing and approving shop drawings, evaluating change order requests, preparing change orders, processing applications for payment, processing project close-out documents, coordinating training sessions for newly-installed systems and equipment, coordinating/performing successful start-up testing, preparing as-built drawings from records maintained by the contractor(s) and construction observer(s), and certifying the project to the appropriate regulatory agencies.
6. Provision of construction observation of sufficient scope to ensure that the project is constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications.
If you wish your firm to be considered for providing services on this project, please submit 1 PDF and 1 paper copy of the following information to this office by 5:00 PM on or before MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2024. Proposals may be mailed or hand-delivered.
1. Nature of organization (whether individual, partnership, joint venture or corporation) and year of establishment.
2. Identity of firm’s principals (including biographical data on each; i.e., professional background, organizations and registrations);
3. Identity and detailed background information, including professional registrations, on all individuals who would be assigned to this project and an organizational chart which identifies the roles and responsibilities of each individual and his/her location. List each individual’s role in past projects cited in their background information
4. Description of available backup personnel, resources, and their location;
5. Identity and owner of recent similar projects, including the date services were performed and name and address of the individual representative of the owner having knowledge of the firm’s work. Include dollar amount and total time period involved in these projects;
6. Present and anticipated workload as it relates to the firm’s ability to handle additional projects (a manpower bar chart would satisfy this requirement);
7. The name of the firm(s) that will be providing consulting services, if any, other than your firm, and the services they will provide;
8. Overall references;
9. Office from which services will be performed if other than local office;
10. List any projects previously performed for other municipalities. Please also include appropriate project sheets as applicable.
A selection committee composed of Town staff will evaluate the information submitted by interested Architectural firms. This process may include interviews with one or more selected firms. All information must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, June 27, 2024.
Selection Criteria:
• Experience and past performance of the firm (25%)
• Experience and past performance of assigned individuals (25%)
• Experience working with the public sector and public facilities (25%)
• Capacity to perform the work in a timely manner (25%)
Recommendations for contract award will be made to the Town of Robbins, with a final selection anticipated in September 16th 2024. The selected architectural firm will be expected to present to Town Board of Commissioners at a public hearing and begin work immediately upon award of the contract.
Please direct all questions regarding this project to Jessica Coltrane, Town Clerk, at 910-948-2431 or (email preferred).